Mail signature management
Whether two or a hundred users, we make signature management simple and efficient. The signatures can be managed centrally and adapted uniformly throughout the company without great effort. In this way you create a professional and unified appearance and strengthen your brand.
Plan and control your campaigns from anywhere
Our cloud solution allows you to manage your signatures from anywhere and make adjustments quickly.
Multiple signatures per employee
You have several companies that are managed by a parent company and you want your employees to be able to distinguish between the Signatures or do you use multilingual signatures with different contents and campaigns depending on the language? With our solution this is quite simply possible!
Mail signatures as a marketing tool
You have great new products and would like to inform your customers about them? We will help you by including references to these products in your mail conversations.
Reasons for signature management
A unified appearance with your "Corporate Identity" increases the recognition value of your company and binds your customers.
Add banners to your mails to inform your customers about new great products and increase your sales.
A central competence and authorisation management protects your employees from unwanted personal liability.
Time saving
The signature does not have to be set on each device separtely. This saves valuable time that your IT department can use more reasonable.
Supported Clients and Servers
We are new to the market and adapt to your system with our flexible solution. Your users can either be managed directly on our website or imported from your Windows server (Active Directory) or AzureAD. On the clients we currently support the Outlook and the Thunderbird client. Do you have any clients or a system that is not yet supported? We are sure that we will find a solution.

Active Directory

Active Directory


iPhone, Android, fax machines, scanners and other devices
Some systems do not allow the signature to be changed automatically. There are two installation options: The application can either be installed on the client(s) or centrally on a server. This includes in particular the widely used iPhone. Printers and other devices cannot be configured automatically either. Outgoing mails with a specific keyword are automatically sent via our server. We replace the keyword with the current signature and then send the mail to the final recipient.

Apple iPhone
via Redirectorbeta

via Redirectorbeta